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11-03-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-03-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 1987 PAGE 2 <br />aware of the number of signatures they have on their petition asking <br />them to uphold the covenants. It is not their intent to put the <br />County "on the spot" at this time and ask them to take a position on <br />breaking the covenants. They will also ask the Board for funds to <br />support some of their efforts relative to the landfill which was <br />suggested by Earth Protector and ask the board to include their <br />alternatives in the EAW. <br />There is a tentative appearance planned by REAPP on Good Company, KSTP <br />TV on November 24th. <br />As far as fundraising, REAPP went before the Lions Club and will be <br />going in front of the Oakdale and Woodbury Council asking for their <br />financial support. <br />Novak reminded the City Council of the elected officials breakfast <br />meeting with Steve Keefe on Friday, November 6th in Forest Lake and <br />encouraged a Councilmember or the City Administrator to attend. <br />They have asked the VBWD to draft a letter providing input to the EAW <br />and VBWD has agreed to do so. A resolution has been received from <br />Oakdale in support of their cause. <br />An organization called the Clean Water Action Project will begin <br />canvassing Lake Elmo for the purpose of renewing the membership in <br />their organization. At the same time they will be handing out an <br />informational flyer that has been specially targeted for the Lake Elmo <br />residents and will be soliciting signatures on a new petition. <br />5. Public Inquiries <br />Based on his understanding that the City has lost a lawsuit brought <br />against them by Hugh Madson regarding an improper commercial business <br />being operated on Ag Preserve land, Mike Mazzara asked the Council why <br />was it necessary to have an executive session at the October 6th <br />Council meeting and what was the basis for the City's appeal. Other <br />questions he had were "why did the City elect to vote prior to the <br />meeting to spend City funds" and "how is it possible that Rose <br />Armstrong was allowed to vote on the appeal when there seems to be a <br />conflict of interest?" <br />Mayor Christ responded that this falls into the category of disclosure <br />which is not appropriate at the present time because of possible <br />litigation. When the appropriate time comes and it no longer is an <br />issue of sensitivity which would be subjecting the City to possible <br />disclosure, then they will discuss it. <br />,City Attorney Knaak added that because of pending litigation it is not <br />in the City's interest to discuss the strategy and make it public. It <br />was Mazzara's impression that a motion to do something is public <br />knowledge. Knaak explained that he was given a direction to follow at <br />that meeting and he was not able to disclose that direction. Mazzara <br />told the eouncil that, according to legal opinion fie r1as sought, there <br />is an issue of ethics. Knaak responded, that at the time of the vote, <br />there was no conflict of interest. <br />
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