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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 1987 PAGE 8 <br />D. Ordinance Amendment: Parks Commission Meetings <br />The City Council discussed this ordinance amendment at the meeting of <br />11-17-87. The City Council requested a copy of the draft ordinance <br />amendment prior to taking action and tabled the request to this <br />meeting. A copy of the draft ordinance amendment was presented for <br />the Council's review and approval. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Armstrong - to approve Ordinance No.8010 amending <br />Section 210.018 Regular Meetings in the 1979 Municipal Code of Lake <br />Elmo to state that the date and time for Parks Commission meetings <br />will be specified in the City Policy Book rather than City Ordinance. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. 201 Program: <br />Widmer, Inc. has satisfactorily completed all work on the 201 Project <br />(Parts A,B,C). Bohrer recommends that the City ac0ept the work and <br />authorize final payment. The final contract amount of $842,209.21 is <br />$48,357.34 less than the original contract amount of $890,566.55. <br />This savings was achieved primarily through the contractor's efforts <br />of removing as few trees and disturbing as little sod as possible. <br />M/S/P Moe/Johnson - to accept the work for Parts A,B,C and approve <br />Final Payment No. 4 to Widmer Inc. in the amount of $54,214.13. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Johnson to Approve Compensating Change Orders A-4, B-3 <br />and C-3, in the total amount of (deduct) $59,022.04. The compensating <br />change orders show how the original contract amounts are reduced to <br />the "as -built" amounts. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Johnson/Moe - to direct the <br />Air Utility for work done on Part <br />Payment No. 3 an the amount to be <br />4-0). <br />staff to authorize payment to Lake <br />D of the 201 Program as Partial <br />determined later. (Motion carried <br />B. Quotes on Closing Abandoned Wells on City Property <br />This subject was discussed at the meeting of 11-17-87. The City <br />Council authorized the City Engineer to obtain quotes for closing four <br />wells. One of the wells was found to be located on property that is <br />owned by Washington County. The City Engineer contacted the County <br />about taking care of the well on their property. The other well was <br />not a case well, but a dry well. The City backfilled it and packed <br />the soil which is all that is required. <br />The following are the tabulation of quotes received on December 1, <br />1987 for abandoning wells. <br />Site #1 Site #2 TOTAL <br />Mantyla Well Drilling $425.00 $375.25 $ 800.25 <br />