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03-15-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-15-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 1988 PAGE 9 <br />As of March 14, there are 517 households in Lake Elmo that subscribe <br />to cable. <br />This computer system is being offered free of charge to the City of <br />Lake Elmo. The only stipulation in accepting the equipment is that it <br />is used within one year. If it is not used, it will have to be <br />returned to the supplier. Our application for this equipment must be <br />made by March 31st, and we should have the equipment and be ready to <br />start-up before June 1, 1988. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to authorize the city staff to make <br />application for the grant which will provide this equipment. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />11. a. Composting and Recycling Update <br />Mary Kueffner reported on our compost site for 1987--we collected over <br />2100 yards which amounts to 252 tons. A memo was provided from <br />Washington County regarding 1988's composting program. The County has <br />offered to pay additional monies to the City to keep the site open <br />longer thru the Summer. <br />Mary suggested that we offer the weekend monitoring to Boy Scout Troop <br />81 and hire a monitor to be at the site at all times as we did last <br />year. -Junker Sanitation has again agreed to pay $2 per yard plus <br />one-half of the full-time monitor's wage. She has had a few other <br />inquiries from waste -haulers about using the site and hopefully we <br />will be able to have enough money from this to pay for our <br />recycling --when the time comes that the city will have to pay. <br />Mary reported the participation rate for our first recycling day(s) as <br />follows: <br />North of, and including Highway <br />South of Highway 5: 146 stops = <br />A total of 5.4 tons of newspaper <br />collected. <br />5: 98 stops = 11.5% <br />12.70 <br />and 0.77 tons of glass and cans were <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to enter into an agreement for yard waste <br />composting with Washington County as outlined in the 1988 Memorandum <br />of Agreement for Yard Waste Composting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to renew the contract with Junker Sanitation for <br />use of the Lake Elmo Compost Site for the deposit of uncontaminated <br />leaves and grass clippings, at a rate of $2 per yard with Junker <br />Sanitation paying one-half of the full-time monitor's wage. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />b. Bids for Maintenance Truck <br />Councilman Graves was contacted by an individual that had seen the bid <br />specifications on the new maintenance department pickup truck. <br />Specifications were requested for cruise control, two large fuel <br />tanks, AM/FM radio, deluxe appearance group, extended cab, speed <br />control, and higher than standard interior accommodations. The Council <br />
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