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STATE OF <br />f�l C IE S, 0 7Z' <br />DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES <br />PHONENo.296-7523 1200 WARNER ROAD, ST. PAUL, MN 55106 FILE NO. <br />June 23, 1988 <br />Ms. Mary Kueffner <br />CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />3800 Laverne Avenue North <br />Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />RE: CROMBIE ESTATES 2ND ADDITION, LAKE DEMONTREVILLE <br />Dear Ms. Kueffner: <br />Metro Region Waters has reviewed the preliminary plat submitted by <br />Veronica Crombie to develop 11 lots adjacent to Lake Demontreville. <br />We have a number of concerns regarding the proposal to create 6 <br />outlots west, of Demontreville Trail. These are all nonconforming lots <br />which do not meet any of the lot dimensional standards of your <br />shoreland ordinance. We can see no good reason to provide outlots for <br />access when the lake has a new public access. We do not feel that the <br />creation of a bunch of small non -conforming lots meets the intent of <br />your shoreland ordinance. <br />We recommend that the land area west of Demontreville Trail be platted <br />along with the riparian lots or that the area be platted_as__Que_largg .L <br />outlot containing 1 centralized dock for day use by the residents. <br />Anot ear alternative might be to use the largest outlot F as the <br />communal outlot since it is not buildable. It may however be <br />difficult to keep the public off due to the proximity of the public <br />road. Platting such as this should be discouraged by the Planning <br />Commission. - <br />Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposal. If you have <br />any questions, please contact me at 296-7523. <br />Sincerely, <br />Molly Comeau Shodeen <br />Area Hydrologist <br />METRO REGION DIVISION OF WATERS <br />cc: Bruce Folz <br />Veronica Crombie <br />M52/dv <br />AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER <br />