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06-07-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-07-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 7, 1988 PAGE 11 <br />wishes. <br />Moe would like to allow Residential Estates zoning on all Rural <br />Residential zoning areas in the City and not on specified areas of 20 <br />acres or more. DeLapp stated the northeast quadrant of the City was <br />not included because there was not much interest in subdividing in <br />that section. The people that have bought property there have all <br />bought larger lots. <br />City Administrator Morrison asked if this type of development was <br />done through the zoning code or is it accomplished through <br />restrictive covenants. Engstrom answered that the esthetic <br />provisions that he described was done through restrictive convenants. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong stated if they are going to fill in all of the <br />RR land to the northeast corner of town, the only open space left in <br />Lake Elmo is her farm and the Regional Park. This is not what Lake <br />Elmo has stood for --this is not considerd open space. Once people <br />see this map, you will get people in demanding this zoning. Rose <br />felt the ordinance is a good idea, but the map encompasses too much <br />of Lake Elmo. She would definitely not be in favor of it <br />encompassing the northeastern corner of the City. Councilman Johnson <br />added that it is contrary to the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Councilman Johnson commended the Planning Commission for making a big <br />improvement from the first draft of RE zoning. <br />Mayor Christ felt RE zoning was providing for an opportunity, given <br />limited infrastructure, an opportunity for someone to make an <br />economic value of his property. Given the conditions of farming <br />today, a person can take his land and put a little meandering road <br />back in there and build some houses with nice landscaping. This <br />would be an enhancement to the community and would be economically <br />feasible. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to direct the staff to further study the <br />Residential Estates zoning district and come back to the Council at <br />their June 21st meeting with their comments and recommendations. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />11. Request for Approval of Mutual Aid Assn. Aqreement <br />Fire Chief Fran Pott <br />Fire Chief Fran Pott requested Council approval of the Mutual Aid <br />Association Reciprocal Fire Service Aqreement. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to authorize the Mavor and Citv Administrator <br />to sian the Capitol Citv Mutual Aid Association Reciprocal Fire <br />Service Aqreement. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />12. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Request for Dartial payment of 1987 & 1988 <br />Real Estate Taxes (White Hat Restaurant) <br />
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