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LAKE ET,MO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 7, 1988 PAGE 13 <br />l $1953 for her additional responsibilities as Acting City <br />Adm.linistrator during the interim period of January 7 thru May 13th, <br />1988. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Part-time Filing Clerk Position <br />City Administrator Morrison recommended that the present part-time <br />clerical position be terminated on June 30th. Although it is <br />anticipated that a majority of the work/filing backlog will still <br />remain, she believes that as the Position was not anticipated when <br />the 1988 budget was prepared, this continued expenditure was not <br />warranted. <br />A clerical person from the Job Trainina Center of Washinaton County <br />has been requested and we should have a summer youth on board by June <br />20th. <br />After the City Administrator has had more time to evaluate the <br />workload of the current staff, it's possible a recommendation for <br />Council consideration of a permanent part-time person may be <br />requested of the 1989 budget. <br />F. ICMA Deferred Compensation Agreement <br />The Council reviewed the resolution which all cities particioatinq in <br />the ICMA Retirement Plan are beinq asked to approve, and which is an <br />addendum to the originally adopted Deferred Compensation Aqreement. <br />This addendum is Prompted by SEC requirements and regulations. The <br />resolution, i.e., addendum doesn't chance the Plan in any way, but <br />simply becomes a Part of the Trust wherehv the ParticiDatina cities <br />become full members of the orqanization and as such, are allowed full <br />voting privileges on the Board. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe to adopt Resolution 88-23 - A Resolution for a <br />Legislative Body Relating to a Deferred Compensation Plan. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />G. Bids for Pickup <br />Bids were opened on June 3rd for the 3/4 ton extended cab pickup and <br />for the equipment package. A bid received from Randy Iten Chev., <br />Hudson for the pickup in the amount of $15,500, less trade-in, of <br />$2.000 for the 1982 1/2 ton Chevrolet Pickup. However the bid was <br />not accompanied by the 10% cashier's check as required by the <br />specifications; therefore, the bid could not be accepted. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to re-lect the bid of Randy Iten Chevrolet based on <br />lack of submission of the 10% cashier's check and to authorize <br />readvertisements for bids for the 3/4 ton extended cab truck. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves -to adjourn the City Council meetinq at 12:20 D.m. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />