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06-07-88 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-07-88 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 7. 1988 PAGE 3 <br />i Johnson and Moe had visted the site and suggested thev rut the aaraae <br />in the backfield. Councilman Graves suaaested thev turn the garaae <br />around with the doors pointing west and move it closer to the shed. <br />This would even make it a few steps closer to the house. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong suaaested making it a 2-stall garage and then <br />the variance request would onlv be for 2 feet. <br />Harvev Markqraf. 10915 33rd St. Lane, stated he was a neighbor and <br />had no problem with the variance request. <br />Mayor Arlyn Christ closed the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. <br />The City Council requested the Grobner's look at an alternate <br />placement and sizing of their garage to either minimize or eliminate <br />the variance request and that the Grobners get comments from the <br />adjoining propertyowner, Horrigan & Pott. <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to table the variance request of David & Debra <br />Grobner, 10867 33rd St. N., until the June 21st City Council meeting. <br />(Motion carried 5-01. <br />C. Variance to number of accessory structures in the R1 Zoning <br />District and Shoreland Permit -- <br />Richard Travers. 2151 Lake Elmo Ave. N. <br />Mavor Christ called the vublic hearing to order at 8:03 in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />Richard Travers, 2151 Lake Elmo Avenue N., is requesting a variance <br />to the number of accessory structures in the R1 zoninq district. Mr.. <br />Travers Drorosed to build a new qaraqeas well and retain his old one. <br />The existing structure is a 12 x 18 single car aaraae and built into <br />the hill at the rear of the lot and is reinforced with concrete which <br />would be very difficult to remove. <br />This aaraae requires a shoreland permit. Mollie Comeau of the DNR <br />had no Droblem with this request and the onlv concern of the Citv <br />Engineer was that the garaae is not placed on the drainfield. <br />The Council suggested the applicant consider attaching the new <br />structure to the existinggaraae because if the rooflines connected <br />this would be considered as one buildinq and would not need a <br />variance. The applicant felt this would require him to excavate a <br />vortion of the hill and would also result in the loss of quite a few <br />trees. Councilwoman Armstrong suggested he tare the old building <br />down because it had big cracks in the wall and she was concerned that <br />the building would fall down. <br />There was no one to speak for or against the variance request. <br />Mayor Christ closed the public hearing at 8:10 p.m. <br />The Council suggested that the applicant talk to the Building <br />Official to see if the old garage could be filled in and construct a <br />new wall in order to make it smaller, in order for it to be <br />
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