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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 7, 1988 PAGE 5 <br />Al Williams, 5091 Hilltop Avenue, asked how vacant lots would be <br />assessed. Bohrer responded that vacant lots would be assessed the <br />same as built upon lots. <br />A letter was received from Mark Rivard. 5920 Hilltop Avenue, statinq <br />that the cost of these improvements should come out of the tax <br />dollars. He oblects to the overlay and feels he already pays too much <br />in taxes. <br />Mark Waldo, 8838 36th Street. wanted lust a sealcoatinq with a <br />guarantee in writing and objected to an overlay. He felt that routine <br />maintenance could have avoided an overlay. This was not a through <br />street, had only 10 homes on it and did not have a hiqh volume of <br />traffic. <br />Arlvn Christ. 8928 36th St. N., stated the indications he qot from <br />most of the people was that thev wanted an overlay. <br />Gail Sullivan. 2968 Leaion Avenue N., stated she would like to know <br />what the assessments were before she cave her approval. Bohrer <br />responded that the assessment estimates were based on 1988 bids of <br />other roads in the City. <br />Betty Olson. 2932 Leqion Avenue N., asked if the truck traffic for <br />replacing the septic systems on the 201 protect was responsible for <br />the street deterioration which Bohrer answered "no" to. <br />Grea Malmquist, 8549 Ironwood Trail, wanted to know what would this <br />street overlay do to his new driveway. Would we be usinq T.A. <br />Schifskv who does alot of city street work because Malmquist felt he <br />was very high priced based on the driveway bid he received from them. <br />Dan & Judy Novak, 8520 Ironwood Trail N., objected in a letter for <br />the need of an overlay and an extra tax burden. Dan added that if <br />there was extra money to spend he suggested we use it to fight the <br />landfill. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Henke, 8785 Ironwood, had no concern with the protect, but <br />were concerned with getting a double assessment as they are on the <br />corner of 27th and Ironwood. <br />Pete Schiltgen, 10880 Stillwater Blvd. N., strongly opposed the <br />street improvements. Pete could not see how his cornfields would <br />benefit by this road. He also voiced the same objection for Jim <br />Montague, 3360 Klondike Ave. N., who was not able to attend. <br />Dan Rude, 3250 Kraft Circle, asked why the Railroad isn't assessed <br />for their portion of the street. Bohrer answered that it was <br />impossible to show an increase in value to a railroad company. Rude <br />also stronqlv opposed the removal of the larae cottonwood tree on the <br />north side of 33rd Street. <br />Huqh Madson, 11060 32nd St., felt they were city owned roads and the <br />needed road improvements should be taken out of our taxes (General <br />Revenue). He also suggested sealcoatinq every three years. <br />