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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />AUGUST 16, 1988 <br />Mayor Arlyn Christ called the City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />in the City Council chambers. Present: Christ, Johnson (arrived 7:07 <br />P.M.), Armstrong, Moe, TKDA Engineer Tom Prew, City Attorney Knaak and <br />City Administrator Morrison. Absent: Councilman Graves <br />1. Agenda <br />REAPP requested their update (Item 5.) be moved before Item 10. Delete: <br />Public Inquiries <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Moe -- to approve the August 16, 1988 City Council agenda <br />as amended. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />2. Minutes: August 2, 1.988 <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Christ - to approve the August 2, 1988 City Council <br />minutes as amended. (See 6A. Preliminary Plat, F.J. Crombie 2nd Addition) <br />(Motion carried 3-0-1<Abstain: Moe>). <br />3. Claims: <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Moe - to approve the August 16, 1988 Claims #90627 thru <br />#90686 as presented. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />4. Public Inquiries <br />Public Inquiries are on the agenda, the first City Council meeting of the <br />month. <br />5. UPDATE: Proposed Lake Elmo Regional Landfill <br />(Dan Novak/Todd Williams) <br />Todd Williams presented City Administrator Morrison with a letter <br />regarding the fact that REAPP would not have access to the copier because <br />of the key situation of City Hall. <br />Todd reported that the documentary video of what our park would look like <br />if the dump goes in was well received at the County Fair. Another 1500+ <br />signatures were received on the petition to be presented to the Washington <br />County Board of Commissioners asking that the protective covenants that <br />now exist --which stated that the Lake Elmo Park Reserve shall remain <br />parkland forever, not be broken. <br />REAPP also obtained all the County Commissioners and the candidates to <br />state, in public, that they favor upholding the covenants; excluding Don <br />Scheel who refused to comment. <br />The County Board will meet August 23rd at 9 a.m. to approve the scoping <br />decision. City Administrator Morrison reported that Attorney Dayton will <br />attend this meeting and that Councilman Johnson had suggested a cap of <br />$700. <br />