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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 PAGE 2 <br />B. 36th AND WEST 200' OF 37th STREET <br />Larry Bohrer reported the assessment rate for this project went down <br />from $766.67/lot to $603.00/Lot. <br />Mark Waldo, 8838 36th St. N., asked when this street improvement was <br />approved by the City Council. His interpretation of the 6--7-88 <br />Council meeting was to receive input from residents if they were in <br />favor of the 1988 Bituminous Overlay Project. The Council would then <br />make a decision and send further notice to the residents. <br />Larry Bohrer read the motion, from the 6-7-88 City Council minutes, <br />where the Council approved the 1988 Bituminous Overlay Project for <br />36th and West 200' of 37th Street. <br />Gordon Johnson, 8804 37th St. N., felt that their road was damaged <br />because of the big pieces of equipment that went down their road in <br />order for the VBWD to work on their 509 Plan, and, because of road <br />restrictions, the equipment traveled at 3:30 a.m.. Johnson submitted a <br />letter to the City Administrator requesting the VBWD-pay-a-share-of -- <br />the assessable cost, based on the damage their equipment did to the <br />road. He also questioned the reasoning for paving the last 200' of a <br />dead-end road. <br />Gordon Johnson and Mark Waldo, explained to the Council that there was <br />more standing water at the end of their driveways now than before the <br />road overlay because the road was not rolled flush. Waldo and Johnson <br />asked if the Maintenance Dept. would come out and add crushed rock <br />where the driveway meets the road. <br />Bohrer thought a satisfactory job was done on this street, but he will <br />go out and check the problem with the standing water. <br />Tim Zilles, 37406-2250, did not receive a notice because of a change <br />of address. (Tim Zilles, 8890 36th St.) <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to adopt Resolution 88-41 approving the assessment <br />rate of $603.00/lot for the 36th and West 200 feet of 37th Street 1988 <br />Bituminous Overlay Project. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. LEGION AVENUE <br />There was no one to speak against the Legion Avenue Bituminous Overlay <br />Project. <br />Larry Bohrer stated the assessment rate for Legion Avenue went down <br />from $481.48/Lot to $405.39/I,ot. <br />M/S/P Moe/Johnson - to adopt Resolution 88-42 approving the assessment <br />rate of $405.39/lot for the Legion Avenue 1988 Bituminous Overlay <br />Project. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />