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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 1988 PAGE 6 <br />Mr. Douglass requested Council approval for spreading the dirt pile on <br />the west side of his lot by the front drainage ditch. He will plant <br />pine trees in this area. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe -• resolve that the Council hereby approves the <br />request of. Jim Douglass, 8001 50th St. N., to spread the existing fill <br />(approx. 30 cu.yds.) east of the two cottonwood trees, on the west <br />side of the driveway, to be reviewed by Jim McNamara; all contingent <br />upon approval of the DNR, and to also include placement of a "No <br />Parking" sign west of his driveway. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Shoreland Permit: D. Harnish, 8033 50th St. N. <br />Donald Harnish has applied for a Shoreland Permit to construct a new <br />septic system. Soil borings and percolation tests have been submitted <br />indicating there is sufficent land available without variances. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe •- to approve a shoreland permit to construct a new <br />septic system for Doug Harnish, 8033 50th St. N.; contingent on <br />complying with Larry Bohrer's recommendations of a drainfield <br />consisting of 600 SF with 24 inches of drain rock below the <br />distribution pipes and all other recommendati.ns in Earth Science's <br />letter of August 18, 1988. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Shoreland Permit & Variance: B. Walsh, 8027 50th St. N. <br />Barbara Walsh has applied for a Shoreland Permit to construct a new <br />septic system. Because of the location of the well, the lake side of <br />the house is the only land available for the septic system. A <br />variance for setback from the lake is required. The variance to allow <br />a 40-•foot setback from the Ordinary High Water Mark is requested, <br />where 75 feet is required in the Shoreland Ordinance. Larry Bohrer <br />recommended that the setback variance be granted based on the hardship <br />being there is no suitable land available on the lot. <br />Barb Walsh asked if she could still keep 1 black walnut tree or 2 <br />trees on the west side of her house. Building Official Jim McNamara <br />suggested a 1500 gallon septic tank be installed rather than a 1200 <br />gallon tank and shorten the drainfield area and meet the 3 foot <br />vertical separation from the water table. By enlarging the septic <br />tank, the trees would not be excavated, but some tree damage may <br />occur. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to approve a shoreland permit to install a new <br />septic system for Barb Walsh at 8027 50th St. N.; contingent on <br />complying with Larry Bohrer's recommendations: a new 1500 gallon <br />septic tank and pump station be installed, a drainfield consisting of <br />990 SF with-14!� inches of drain rock, all old tanks be properly <br />abandoned and24further that a setback variance from the high water <br />mark be approved for installation of the drainfield based on no other <br />land is suitable. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />