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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 15, 1988 <br />Mayor Christ called the City Council meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in <br />the City Council chambers. Present: Christ, Armstrong, Graves, Moe, <br />City Engineer Bohrer, City Attorney Knaak and City Administrator <br />Morrison. Absent: Johnson. <br />1. Agenda <br />Delete: 5A. Apostolic Bible Church <br />Add: BE. Cancellation of Dec. 2.0th Council meeting <br />8F. Christmas Party <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve the November 15, 1988 City Council <br />agenda as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. Minutes: November 1, 1988 <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to approve the November 1, 1988 City Council <br />minutes as amended. (Motion carried 3-0-1 Abstain: Christ). <br />3. Claims <br />Councilman Moe questioned Attorney Knaak's charge to the City for <br />phone conferences with reporter, Tony Lonetree, on Section 32. Moe <br />suggested that these calls be referred to the City Administrator. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to approve the November 15, 1988 Claims <br />#91003 thru #911.05 as presented. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />4. REAPP REPORT <br />Dan Novak expressed REAPP's thanks to the Lake Elmo residents for the <br />passage of the landfill referendum with a 4-1 vote and suggested the <br />City write a note of thanks to the residents through a direct mailing. <br />REAPP will be sending out a thank you note. The Council decided to <br />extend their thanks through the Newsletter, Cable TV, and in the <br />newspaper. <br />REAPP will be meeting with Representative Long and Senator Merriam <br />to ask for consideration in authorizing legislation deleting process <br />of inventory of sites. <br />Dan reported the EIS is beginning this month; therefore, an <br />engineering firm should be selected. The City will send out a working <br />proposal (consisting of the workscope, time frame, cost, and <br />qualifications) to potential engineering candidates that the City <br />Staff and REAPP have comprised. Consideration will be given to <br />credentials and possible conflict of interests. Attorney Dayton will <br />also be consulted by staff. A list will be compiled by the first of <br />( the year. <br />