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CITY Of <br />LAKE <br />ELMO <br />City of Lake Elmo 777-5510 <br />3800 Laverne Avenue North / Lake Elmo, Minnesota 55042 <br />MARCH 14, 1989 <br />TO: Mayor and City Council <br />FROM: Pat Morrison, City Administrator <br />RE: Informational Memo <br />RFP - EIS, L.E.R.P. Landfill: The cut-off for receipt of the RFP for <br />engineering was Marc t . We received 3 proposals, which have <br />been forwarded onto ReAPP for review and recommendation to Council, <br />The Council may want to consider review by Larry Bohrer and/or the <br />Dayton law firm as well. <br />Section 32 Petition: The Oakdale City Council meeting of 2/14, at <br />which they were to consider the petition for annexation of Section 32, <br />was cancelled due to weather. They will now be considering the <br />petition and Planner's recommendation at a meeting on Tuesday, March'21, <br />at 7:00 p.m. As this is also the date of our Council meeting, perhaps <br />the Council may wish to request that the Planning Commission Chair., <br />Rob Enes (and other members of the PZ) be present at the Oakdale <br />meeting. <br />The Oakdale City Adm. has assured me that any letter(s) from the <br />City will be placed in the record. <br />I have requested a copy of the Planner's report and recommendation, <br />as well as a copy of the petition. <br />U.S. Olympic Event: The Parks Committee had a good deal of enthusiasm <br />r this event. Nancy Hansen (Chair.) is forming a sub -committee to <br />analyze details. At the suggestion of Mike Bouthilet (from our Parks <br />Dept,), he and Nancy took time to go around to each homeowner, having <br />frontage on the Lake, to inform them of this event and answer questions <br />they may have. That's dedication! <br />Your City Administrator will be on vacation 3/21-3/31! <br />Mary and Sharon will attend the 3/21 Council meeting. <br />If you have any questions on Agenda items, please call me at home <br />(436-5447) this weekend or on Monday. <br />