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LAKE ELMO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 10, 1989 PAGE 2 <br />account the City relies on residential growth in order to underwrite the <br />increase cost of services. We should seek options of commercial <br />development at Section 32 and along I-94 and not depend on housing <br />development. Homes/families are the highest source of requiring services. <br />Page 60: He agreed with Page 60. Is this appropriate utilization from <br />the planners view, feels it is appropriate for Comp Plan. E. of 13B only <br />referenced. Argument for no potential commercial development. Hunt <br />referred to page 46,.Sect. c.. Graves responded, in order to be consistent <br />delete Section 3, page 55 because of a possible conflict. <br />Steve DeLapp answered that if we rezone this area to commercial, we are <br />going against the Met Council. Ten Findings of Fact have to be met to <br />address the question if Woodbury can build better commercial development. <br />He asked how does this improve existing services in Woodbury? <br />Page 76: paragraph C: He Doesn't agree with this or support it. It <br />doesn't tell where we are going to be in the year 2000. <br />Councilman Graves added the PZ did what the City Council directed them to <br />do. From the very beginning he would have liked to see RE wrapped into <br />the plan, but then he realized how long this project would take the <br />Commission to complete. It would be easier to approve a plan if it really <br />was a plan based on completeness. The Plan has a very good base, but <br />should include Longer range plans. <br />Councilman Hunt advised the Council that when the Council was asked to <br />vote on options for PZ direction on the Comp Plan, he was the only one in <br />favor of Option 3, which was to include RE Zoning in the Plan. Hunt saw <br />no problem to get the Comp Plan done now and later on get an amendment to <br />change this. <br />Dick Johnson agreed there was not a whole lot of planning in the document <br />and without some direction from a professional planner based on the <br />philosophy indicated, this would be difficult job to do. <br />Dave Johnson found the draft a dull document with no meat into it. It <br />doesn't address what if the "pipe" comes into the City. The Committee <br />that worked on the 1979 Plan knew what the issues were facing the City and <br />addressed them in the Plan. The '79 Plan had a flow to it. <br />Steve DeLapp stated the alternative Estates Future Land Use <br />Map was approved by the PZ Commission. They discussed what they liked or <br />disliked on the RE Zoning, and if there is enough support, it can be added. <br />into the Plan. RE Zoning will then be shown in th plan, paremeters <br />spelled out, draft direction of ordinance and indicate areas of RE. Steve <br />submitted zoning district conditions for amendment to the 1986 Comp Plan. <br />Councilmen Graves and Hunt suggested building more planning issues, <br />floating zones, and consider spotzoning as a buffer zone. <br />Dick Johnson asked for formal direction from the Council at their April <br />( 18th meeting since recommendations of some of the Councilmembers have <br />changed. <br />The Council adjourned the joint meeting at 8:45 n,m, <br />