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LAKE ELMO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 10, 1989 PAGE 5 <br />l rezoned to R-1; contingent on the section of Packard Park 3rd Addition <br />that is in the Downs Lake Sub -Watershed not be affected by this <br />construction. <br />Ann Bucheck felt we should not be looking at rezoning now because of the <br />lack of time and should be conservative when looking at R-1 Zoning in the <br />Comp Plan. <br />M/S/F Bucheck/DeLapp - the PZ does not see any need for R-1 Zoning now <br />except for Section 32. (.Motion failed 4-5: Haacke, Kunde, Johnson, Enes, <br />Conlin). <br />Barb Haacke would like to have more time to consider the R-1 floating zone <br />Steve DeLapp submitted. <br />Mary Kueffner advised the Commission the City has to take action on the <br />Engstrom application because it is past the deadline which the code <br />allows. Mary explained, once again, the City Council directed them to <br />look at these two developments (The Forest and Packard Park 3rd Addn.) <br />when then review the entire City for future R-1 zoning areas in the Comp <br />Plan. Mary repeated that the Engstrom application is an R-1 application <br />because RE Zoning does not exist in the City. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dick Johnson - to recommend to the City Council that "The <br />Forest" and "Packard Park 3rd Addition" be rezoned to R1 based on the idea <br />that this rezoning will have inconsequential impact on the Camp Plan and <br />the PZ indicated they will consider other areas at a future date for R-1 <br />Zoning. (Motion carried 6-3: Dave Johnson: Packard Park 3rd Addn, is <br />already adjacent to R-1 Zoning and should be rezoned to R-1. He <br />considered the Engstrom application as spotzoning; Ann Bucheck: voted for <br />denial based on the water problem in the area; Steve DeLapp: submitted his <br />recommendations as referenced in Appendix B). <br />6. Historical District - Old Village <br />Chairman Enes reminded the Commission that a a Sub -committee was formed to <br />set guidelines for an historical district for the Old Village. <br />M/S/P Stevens/Johnson - to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting at <br />11:10 P.M. (Motion carried 9-0). <br />