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MAY ? <br />INVOICE 1989 l/ <br />ANDERSON <br />CKDA. AND SSOCIATTES,AINCORPORATED <br />3INEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 2500 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING <br />SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 1893 <br />612/292 4400 <br />FAX 612/292 0083 <br />City of In Elmo <br />P. O. Box J <br />Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />Date:. April 26, 1989 <br />Commission <br />Number: 9325-02 <br />For Professional Services in connection with the 1989 MSA Improvements - 43rd <br />and Kimbro for March, 1989. Authorization approved at City Council <br />Meeting on June 21, 1988. <br />CONSTRUCPION PHASE: <br />Personnel: Classification: Billing Rate: <br />Prew, T. Graduate Engineer 9.00 Hrs. @ 44.44 = "399.96 <br />Ray A. Andrews, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing <br />account is just and true, and the services therein changed were actually <br />rendered and of the value therein charged, that the expenses incurred were <br />paid by the affiant and no part of the same has been paid. <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me, TOIZ'Z, KING, DWALL, ANDERSON <br />a notary public, this 26th day of AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED <br />Apri. , 1989: / <br />MM z <br />5Z a 41NDA E. SCI{OBEY <br />NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA <br />25 4's RAMSEY COUNTY <br />�.' IAY COMM, EXPIRES AUG, 10, 1A 199 P <br />