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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 PAGE 10 <br />( I E. Right -of -Way Payment: 43rd Street & Kimbro Avenue <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported the last piece of right-of-way to <br />purchase for 43rd Street and Kimbro Avenue project is 0.11 acres from <br />Robert and Ellen Wier. This right-of-way is a 13 foot wide strip <br />across the front of the Wier's property. Bohrer noted the Wier's <br />house is the closest house to the road and they use this area as part <br />of their front yard, and the estimated cost would be around $1,000. <br />Bohrer has met with the Wiers and they are requesting $1,084.66 for <br />the right-of-way. <br />Bohrer recommended approval of $1,084.66 as right-of-way payment to <br />Robert and Ellen Wier because it is very close to the estimated amount <br />and the right-of-way cost is reimbursable from State Aid funds. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to approve the Final Right -of -Way Payment for <br />0.11 acres for 43rd Street and Kimbro Avenue Project to Robert and <br />Ellen Wier in the amount of $1.,084.66. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Auditing/Accounting Services (1989/90) <br />The Council received a copy of the proposed 1989/90 Auditing Services <br />Contract from the Voto, Tautges, Redpath auditing firm. It was noted <br />the rates have been increased an average of 5 percent, which had been <br />anticipated with the 1990 Budget. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - resolved that the Council hereby approves the <br />Agreement between the City of Lake Elmo and Voto, Tautges, Redpath & <br />Co., Ltd., White Bear Lake for Auditing/Accounting Services .for <br />1989/90. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Compost Site Monitor <br />The staff noted in their coversheet there were some problems with <br />opening the site on time this past Spring. Also, the staff would like <br />to see this more as a Troop effort, rather than one Scout and one <br />parent to monitor the site because more Scouts are needed to fill out <br />the questionnaires, assist the people, and help keep the area cleaned <br />up. Last spring the Scouts were paid $50 per day for the compost <br />monitoring. A representative from Boy Scout Troop 162 expressed <br />interest in monitoring the site again this Fall (on weekends). Staff <br />recommended this policy be continued with Troop 162, but would like to <br />see more Scouts at the site. Discussion centered on equalizing wages <br />of the Olinger compost workers and the Boy Scouts. - <br />M/S/P Hunt/Grves - to request the City Administrator review the hourly <br />rates paid to the compost workers and bring back a recommendation to <br />the Council. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />