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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 PAGE 8 <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to postpone consideration of architectural <br />standards in order for the Council to review the Eden Prairie <br />standards and prepare their comments for stronger direction to the PZ <br />on what the Council would consider suitable. Mayor Dunn will inform <br />the Administrator when appropriate for the Agenda. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Woodbury Transport Plan <br />Woodbury requested a review by the City of Lake Elmo of a proposed <br />amendment for future extension of Bielenberg Drive across I-94 and <br />connect to Helmo Avuenue in Lake Elmo in their Comprehensive <br />Transportation Plan. Woodbury noted the purpose of this roadway <br />extension was to provide an additional route for traffic wishing to <br />travel a north south direction between Lake Elmo and Woodbury. The <br />projected traffic demand on Bielenberg is 20,000 vehicles per day and <br />based upon this projected demand, Woodbury proposes that Bielenberg <br />Drive should be a minor arterial roadway. If this classification is <br />not compatible with Lake Elmo, Woodbury would consider Bielenberg <br />Drive being classified as a collector street. Bohrer pointed out <br />there were funding implications in the wording. <br />Councilman Hunt suggested it remain "Minor Arterial" until there's <br />progress in Section 32 because a bridge could benefit Section 32 with <br />better access. Graves agreed with Hunt, that the Council should <br />consider road plans that would be beneficial for possible development <br />to Section 32. Bunt added, he needed to know the City would not get <br />assessed costs in year 2010 for building a bridge. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to refer this matter and map to the Planning <br />Commission for their recommendation. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Permit to Fill; White Hat Restaurant (E. Gorman) <br />Administrator. Morrison reported the City received a request for <br />extension of Ed Gorman's fill permit through Attorney Thomas <br />Okoneski's September letter. The fill permit has expired on September <br />20th, and no application for extension of the fill permit has been <br />applied for. Mr. Gorman stated, during the time his fill permit was <br />suspended, he was unable to receive 8,000-12,000 yds which were <br />available to him at no cost. <br />Councilman Hunt voiced his fears of seeing thing go awry, to find out <br />this land is not developable or Mr. Gorman's proposal not appropriate. <br />Hunt added., we have a strong code and thought the time had come for <br />the City to say, we have given you two years to get the fill in, <br />you've worked very aggressively over the summer to get that fill. We <br />have given you time and we need to see what you are going to do there <br />before we allow more fill in. <br />Councilman Williams indicated the City has been more than generous <br />with Mr Gorman. They have given him all the opportunites for two years <br />