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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 1989 PAGE 3 <br />1 <br />Mayor Dunn closed the public hearing at 7:09 p.m. <br />Councilman Graves voiced his concern on the ordinance being unduly <br />restrictive —this ordinance does not permit horses crossing a roadway from <br />one pasture to another. Proposed wording "an exception to this ordinance <br />would permit the traversing of the roadway at right angles to theaxis of <br />the road for transit from one side of the road to the other." <br />Councilman Williams indicated the word "shoulder" was not defined, and <br />there are many streets in the City which are wide enough to be considered <br />to have paved shoulders, but they are not marked as such. Proposed <br />wording "Except that horses or ponies shall be allowed on paved shoulders <br />of said street or public road where the shoulders are marked by a painted <br />line." <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - resolved that Ordinance No. 8026, being an Ordinance <br />amending Section 1401.010, by allowing horses and horse drawn carriages on <br />paved road shoulders of public roads; incorporating the amended wording: <br />Except that horses or ponies shall be allowed on paved shoulders of said <br />street or public road where the shoulders are marked by a painted line. <br />An exception to this ordinance would permit the traversing of the roadway <br />at right angles. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The Public Hearing was already closed when Steve Pott, 4212 Lake Elmo <br />Avenue, arrived at the meeting. Steve indicated he called other cities, <br />and no other cities in Washington County have an ordinance prohibiting <br />horses on paved roads. <br />8. PLANNING/LAND USE/ZONING: <br />A. UPDATE: Status Comprehensive Plan; Councilmen Williams and <br />Graves <br />Councilmen Graves and Williams and Deputy Clerk, Mary Kueff.ner, have been <br />meeting and are making progress toward completion of the Comprehensive <br />Plan. An update will be given intone mgnth. <br />appr•oxxnately <br />9. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />There were no reports from the City Engineer. <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />City Attorney Knaak provided the Council with a written litigation <br />summary. An Executive Session is scheduled before the City Council meeting <br />on October 17th at 6:30 p.m. <br />3.1. CITY ADMINISTRTATOR'S REPORT: <br />Administrator Morrison reported that applications have been received and <br />reviewed for the replacement of Nancy Kuckler who has accepted a full-time <br />position with another organization. Nine persons were called, six of whom <br />were interviewed. Morrison recommended to the Council that Barbara Holm, <br />4497 Olson Lake Trail, be hired, commencing October 12, 1989 for up to 24 <br />hours per week, at the beginning rate of $5.00 per hour. <br />