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PROCLAMATION <br />WHEREAS: The Lake Elmo Jaycees have been a vital part of <br />the development of young leaders of our community <br />for the past 19 years; and <br />WHEREAS: This organization of young people contributed to <br />the betterment of this community through its <br />involvement in such programs as Huff n' Puff; <br />Run, Punt and Pass; Developmental Learning Center <br />Christmas Party and Park Improvement Projects, and <br />many community projects; and <br />WHEREAS: The United States Jaycees and its affiliated state <br />and local organizations have set aside the fourth <br />week in January 1990 to observe the founding of <br />the Jaycee seventy years ago; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I, Sue Dunn, Mayor of Lake Elmo, do hereby <br />proclaim the fourth week of January, 1990 to be <br />J A Y C E E W E E K <br />in Lake Elmo, and urge all citizens of our state to give full <br />regard to the past and continuing services of the Lake Elmo <br />Jaycees. <br />