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OF <br />LAKE <br />ELMO <br />City ®# Lake Elmo 777-5510 <br />3880 Laverne Avenue North / Lake Elmo, Minnesota 55042 <br />TO: CITY COUNCIL <br />FROM: PUBLIC WORKS <br />RE: PRESSURE WASHER <br />IN 1983 the city purchased a pressure washer from Clarence <br />Skarpohl Co. In the past 3 years our dept.has had this unit <br />in for repairs many times. Some of these repairs have taken <br />as long as 2 weeks. This unit is used frequently to keep our <br />equipment cleaned for better appearance and mechanical operation. <br />It is important in summer to keep radiators and hydraulic <br />components clean to avoid overheating and damage to our mowing <br />equiptment. In the winter we use the washer to clean plowing <br />and sanding equipment to prevent salt and corrosion build up. <br />_A couple of weeks ago our present washer exploded which could <br />have caused severe injury to the men had anyone been standing <br />close by. As a result I have taken this unit out of service. <br />I called our service company who advised us not to repair this <br />unit but to replace it. <br />The new pressure washers are buit better and have more safety <br />features built in. I also have used our present washer for <br />thawing frozen culverts and pipes which I now have been informed <br />that this unit was not designed for. The new washers that I <br />have investigated are capable and designed to meet all our needs. <br />If you have any questions on this subject please feel free <br />to call me at 770-2537. <br />After reveiwing all information given to us I would like <br />the councils approval to purchase the Hotsy model 660 pressure <br />washer at the quoted price of $2805.50. If the council would <br />pefer one of the other brands we honor your decision. <br />Thank You, <br />DAN OLINGER <br />PUBLIC WORK SUPT. <br />