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JAN 1 1 1990 <br />TOLTZ,KING, , ANDERSON <br />iLi <br />AND ASSOCIATES. INCORPORATED ' <br />ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS <br />2500 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING <br />SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 <br />51=02d 00 <br />January 10, 1990 <br />FAX 512 2-WU <br />Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />Re: 1990 Rate Structure for 201 Systems <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />Commission No. 9150-600 <br />Dear Mayor and Council: <br />One of the requirements of the 201 Grant was that the City set up and maintain a user charge <br />system for the operation, maintenance, and replacement of the off -site and collector sewer <br />systems. Sections 707,050 and 707.060 of the City Code require that the Council annually <br />review the fund balance and adjust the rate structure accordingly. <br />In 1988 and 1989, the sewer charge was $120 per year for each residential equivalent unit. In <br />1988, the expenses were $3,607 and the income was $4,870, leaving a year end balance of <br />+$1,263. In 1989, the expenses were $6,417 and the income was $4,870, leaving a year end <br />balance of-$1,547, for a cumulative fund balance of-$284.00. The fund should have a 2 year <br />ending balance of +$720 to cover future replacement of pumps and controls. <br />We recommend raising the rates for 1990 from $120 per year to $180 per year for each <br />equivalent residential unit (ERU) except the two individual off -site systems whichrequire <br />minimal maintenance. The new rate structure would be as follows: <br />Annual Quarterly <br />Establishment #ERU Charge Charge <br />Residence - individual off -site <br />Residence - collector off -site <br />Duplex <br />Beauty Shop <br />Main Street Shop <br />Lake Elmo Inn <br />$ 120.00 <br />$ 30.00 <br />180.00 <br />45.00 <br />360.00 <br />90.00 <br />180.00 <br />45.00 <br />180.00 <br />45.00 <br />1,440.00 <br />360.00 <br />The Code requires that the Sewer Service Charge System be revised and adopted by resolution. <br />The Code also requires that each user be notified at the beginning of each year of the rates for <br />that year. Although not required to do so, the Council may wish to hold a public hearing on the <br />matter. <br />