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-3- <br />(15) Linder Greenhouse <br />( Conditions: See Attached <br />During the past year any problems or concerns with the C.U.P,'s were <br />dealt with immediately. At this time all Conditional Use Permits <br />are operating within their specific conditions. The following, comments <br />concern the operation of some of the C.U.P.'s. <br />(1) Armstrong C.U.P. - At the time of my inspection 99'vehicles were <br />stored outside where 100 is permitted. <br />(2) Rockin L Trailers C.U.P. - At the time of my inspection there were <br />16 Llama's on the property. The property is in the process of being <br />sold, however, no sale has been finalized at this time. Because of <br />the sale not being finalized at this point, I feel we should add one <br />condition to the C.U.P. The condition regulating the maximum number of <br />llamas on the property. These are not grazing animals - they are <br />commercially fed,therefore, I recommend a maximum of 30 llamas can be <br />housed on the property at any one time, <br />(3) Vali--Hi Drive In has installed a new business sign on their property. <br />The old smaller sign -(not in use) will be removed before the Drive -In <br />opens for business this spring, <br />(4) Trans City Investment has been, keeping the City updated whenever <br />a tennant moves out or a new tennant moves in. At this time there are <br />still 14 tennants in the building. The owner would like to be able to <br />use the fenced -in area in back of the building for storage, At this <br />time their C,U,P, does not permit it. <br />(5) I have had no new problems or concern with Hammes Mining, They <br />have completed all requirements set forth by Washington County. <br />