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PROGRESS REPORT <br />Project: EIS Review for Proposed Landfill Site G in Lake Elmo <br />Project #: 5175.001 <br />Date: January 12, 1990 <br />Reporting Period: 5/2/89 - 12/25/89 <br />Activities Undertaken During the Reportinq Period <br />During the period of May 2, 1989 - December 25, 1989, staff from DPRA <br />incorporated and Geraghty and Miller, Inc. (i.e., the project team) began <br />work under a professional services contract with the City of Lake Elmo <br />(executed Mav 5, 1989 and amended December 4, 1989). The project team's <br />activities during this time are briefly described below: <br />Develop scope of work, work plan, and contract language for approval <br />by the City. Conduct meeting (5/2/89) at DPRA with City and ReAPP <br />representatives to discuss work scope and contract. <br />0 <br />o Attend meeting (5/11/89) in Washington County with County staff, EIS <br />contractor, and ReAPP representative to discuss procedures for infor- <br />mation flow between consultants. <br />o Arrange and conduct field investigation (8/21/89) of Site G, observe <br />geophysical testing, and document observations. <br />o Conduct meeting (9/13/89) at DPRA with ReAPP representative to discuss <br />project status and expanded scope of work to include groundwater <br />modeling, a review of rejected sites within the County, and respond tc <br />Weston's comments on the EIS. <br />o Revise work plan and contract to incorporate expanded work scope, <br />priorities, and schedule discussed in meeting and subsequent conver- <br />sations. <br />o Conduct meeting (12/14/89) at DPRA with representatives from the law <br />firm of Leonard, Street and Deinard and ReAPP to discuss project sta- <br />tus, anticipated activities, and technical and legal strategies to be <br />employed in the EIS review. <br />o Initiate a review of materials on the rejected candidate landfill sites <br />in Washington County to determine whether similarities exist between <br />these sites and Site G. <br />o Request information from the County, both verbally and in writinsion of <br />regarding the site visit, geophysical testing methodology, status of <br />EIS comment period, health risk assessment methodology, <br />and geo/hydro technical memorandum. <br />