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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 17, 1990 PAGE 2 <br />shall be in a clearly identifiable manner to be designated by the City <br />staff. <br />In Section 802.090 LAND DISPOSAL OF YARD WASTE: Delete "of 1980" and <br />add all the amendments included with the Minnesota Waste Management <br />Act. <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to adopt Ordinance 8029, as amended on <br />4-17-90, Amending Section 801, and adopting 802 of the Lake Elmo <br />Municipal Code. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Conditional Use Permit Amendment <br />Trans -City Investment - Outside Storage <br />At their March 26, 1990 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended <br />approval of the amendment to Trans -City Investments Conditional Use <br />Permit to allow for outside storage with the conditions listed in the <br />minutes. This request was carried over until the April 9th P7 <br />meeting, as there was some concern with the chemicals that are used by <br />Etching Concepts and Glass Etc. The applicant provided a letter from <br />Washington County, Dept. of Health for a Hazardous Waste Generator <br />License for Glass Etc, and a copy of the water testing that was done <br />on the site. <br />Councilman Williams pointed out that in the existing CUP, Condition <br />#11, states "No use allowed under this CUP should cause pollution, nor <br />shall any hazardous materials be stored on the site", and he indicated <br />there was an apparent violation of the CUP provisions. He has spoken <br />to the Building Official, Fire Dept. and the City Attorney. The City <br />Attorney advised him the Council should postpone consideration of this <br />amendment request until such time as confirmation is made whether or <br />riot hazardous materials are being stored on the site. Williams made <br />it clear it was not his intention to drive anyone out of business, but <br />because the language in the CUP is very explicit, this should be <br />pursued. <br />Mayor Dunn, Councilmen Hunt and Graves expressed no problem with the <br />amendment to the CUP for allowing outside storage, but shared the <br />concerti of hazardous materials being stored on the site. <br />M/S/ Hunt/Graves - to postpone consideration of the amendment to the <br />CUP for Howard Gelb, Trans -City Investments, to allow for outside <br />storage until the May 1st Council meeting. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to amend the motion to include to direct the <br />Building Official, Kenneth Meyer of Wash. Cty, Kurt Lange-Admin. of <br />Trans -City Invest, to make an inspection of the facilities to confirm <br />or refute if hazardous materials are stored on the site. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />