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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 3, 1990 PAGE 3 <br />Kelly Brockman, 3385 Lake Elmo Avenue, indicated when you are <br />' comparing sewer rates with areas that are sewered, there are several, <br />expenses that are not included in those figures. There is the pumping <br />charge to have their tanks pumped and the possibility of replacing <br />their pumping station. Mr. Brockman will receive a copy of Larry <br />Bohrer's letter of March 30, 1.990. <br />Mayor Dunn noted the Council received a letter from Michael Severin, <br />8012. 50th St. N., requesting the City take a good .look at the fairness <br />of the current user fee for people on off -site systems like his. A <br />Council member suggested a letter be written to M. Severin and P. <br />Scovill clarifying what the city's obligations are and why they are <br />being charged this fee. <br />Councilman Williams explained he felt the rates are reasonable in <br />light of our documented expenses, the rates would be reviewed every <br />year and be lowered if the fund shows a positive balance of <br />appropriate size. <br />Mayor Dunn indicated consideration should be givento the people with <br />the lesser water usage. <br />Councilman Graves stated he understood and totally supported the need <br />for the fund to be self-sustaining. His concern was trying to make a <br />cost projection line with only two data points and causing a 50% <br />increase in annual charges. Therefore, he would not be in favor of <br />endorsing the proposed charges. He would like to keep the current <br />user rate structure because this was based on Bohrer's engineering <br />expertise. If there is unusual expenses, the General Fund can pay for <br />them, but he did riot want the General Fund to have to subsidize it on <br />a continuous basis. If after three years you see that the initial <br />assumptions were erroneous, then the council can make the corrections. <br />Councilman Hunt indicated they are only talking about an additional <br />$15 a quarter, but understood for someone on a fixed income this can <br />be alot of money. Hunt added, the Council has an obligation to the <br />City to maintain a proper balance for replacement fund. He would <br />support the current rate structure given by he City Engineer because <br />he is using his expertise to make that suggestion. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong pointed out that even though the first year was <br />unusual, one repair could significantly affect the fund. For that <br />reason, she would like to see this stabilized before cutting back. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to approve the 1990 rate structure increase for <br />201 systems from $120 per year to $180 per year for each ERU, except <br />the two individual off -site systems which require minimal maintenance, <br />as recommended by Larry Bohrer in his letter of March 15, 1.990. <br />(Motion carried 3-2: Dunn: She would like to give more consideration <br />to the people with the lesser water usage and to make sure this is <br />revisited next year to see about other adjustments; Graves: For the <br />reasons he already stated). <br />