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RPR 2? 190 15:39 T K D R & ASSOC. <br />P.3 14 <br />LAMPERT AVENUE <br />32ND STREET TO 33RD STREET <br />LAKE ELMO, MINNESOTA <br />Introduction <br />Lampert Avenue pavement is In poor condition. It has been patched over the years and <br />some areas have settled. The age of Its original paving is unknown to me. The areas . <br />of "alligator" cracking are beginning to come loose and will become potholes shortly. <br />The City crew patched several areas last year. <br />Proposed Irnprovernent <br />It Is recommended that the areas of broken pavement be cut out and patched with a 4" <br />thick bituminous patch. A 2" thick bituminous overlay should be constructed over the <br />entire surface to strengthen the road, level the settled areas and seal off the cracks. <br />Topsoil would be placed along the edges of the overlay to match the boulevards and <br />gravel would be added to the gravel driveways as necessary. <br />Feasibility <br />The project is feasible and should best be made as proposed. <br />Initiation <br />This project was Initiated by the City Council, therefore ordering the project will require a <br />four -fifths majority vote. <br />C <br />-2- 9160-000 <br />