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LAKE ELMO MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDED ORDINANCE 7946 <br />880011115 <br />8Q34 <br />502,050 EXCAVATION AND "GRADING PERMITS <br />A permit shall be required for the excavation, grading or surfacing <br />for any building, structure, plot or area of ground occupied by a <br />building or structure, or in preparation for the construction of any <br />building or structure where such excavation and grading is to be done <br />with mechanical equipment, (See Section 105 of this Code,) <br />502.060 PRIVATEROAD 'PERMITS <br />A permit shall be required to construct an asphalt, concrete, or <br />gravel private road or alley, (See Section 1602 and Section 105 <br />of this Code,) <br />502.070 MOVING BUILDINGS INTO' 'CITY <br />A. Buildings or structures moved from one location to <br />another shall comply with the provisions of this code <br />for new buildings, <br />B. Where the Building Official is required to inspect a <br />building outside of the City, any travel expense shall <br />be paid by the applicant, Building mover must present <br />a State license for house and building moving to the <br />Building Official when applying for permit to move a <br />building, <br />C. Before any house or other structure is moved onto a lot or <br />parcel in the City of Lake Elmo, the owner shall apply for <br />a building permit, The Building Official shall present the <br />site plan, construction plans, and photos of the structure <br />from two or more angles to the Planning Commission. The <br />Planning Commission shall report to the City Council <br />whether or not the structure will be compatible with <br />other development in the area; and make such recommendation <br />to the City Council, If the City Council determines the <br />structure would depreciate the area into which it is to be <br />moved, it may withhold the permit for such relocation. <br />502.080 BUILDING DEMOLITION FEES <br />All buildings or structures prepared for,derolition within the City of <br />Lake Elmo require a demolition permit. (See Section 105 of this Code. <br />Surcharge In addition to t <br />502,090 EXTERIOR FINISH <br />h <br />All residential buildings shall have the exterior finished within one <br />(1) year of the date their permit was issued. <br />502-2 <br />