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LAKE ELMO MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDED ORDINANCE 7946 <br />801151 <br />8034 <br />502,120 BOND OR :CASH. DEPO'STT TO P'ROTE'CT PERMANENT STREETS OR CURBS <br />On any new construction for property abutting a permanent street a <br />bond or cash deposit shall be required to protect against damage to <br />the permanent street, curb, or other public property or improvement <br />occurring by reason of construction. (See Section 105 of this Code.) <br />502.130 SURVEY <br />The Building Inspector may require a Certificate of Survey showing the <br />actual dimensions of the lot to be built on, the exact size and <br />location on the lot of the building and assessory buildings to be <br />erected, and such.other information as may be necessary to determine <br />compliance with.the Municipal Code of the City of Lake Elmo, before <br />issuing a building permit for new construction on any lot. <br />502.140 SUSPENSION OR, RE'VO'CATION <br />The Building Official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit <br />issued under provisions of said Building Code whenever the permit is <br />issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or <br />in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions <br />of said Building Code. <br />502.150 VIOLATIONS AND'PENALTIES <br />The penalties described in the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition, <br />Section 205, as amended, shall be in keeping with Minnesota Statutes <br />609.033 to 609.034 which provides for a maximum fine of $700.00. <br />502-4 <br />