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DATE APPROVED: 8/7/90 <br />DATE ISSUED: 3/17/90 <br />SPECIAL LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />MONDAY, JULY 9, 1990 <br />Acting -Mayor Todd Williams called the Special Council meeting to order <br />at 7:01 p.m. in the Council chambers. Present: Williams, Hunt, <br />Graves, Armstrong, Admin. Kueffner, Public Works Foreman Dan Olinger, <br />and Fire Chief Dick Sachs. Absent: Mayor Dunn. <br />1.. AGENDA <br />Add: 3. Discussion on planner expenses and reimbursement. <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt. - to approve the July 9, 1990 City Council agenda as <br />amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. Request from Robert Engstrom for amendment to Final Plat of <br />The Forest" for narrower roads. <br />With the delays caused by weather, Robert Engstrom felt this was an <br />opportunity to readdress the road design issue on their P.U.D. "The <br />Forest". Originally, they proposed this development in the form of a <br />P.U.D. to coincide with the language 301.080 which states"This section <br />is intended to permit flexibility of site design and architecture for <br />the conservation of land and open space..".(See Letter dated July 2, <br />1990 to City Council from Robert Engstrom). <br />Mr. Engstrom requested that the Council endorse the following road <br />width changes for "The Forest". He informed the Council that they <br />were forced to abandon the divided entrance because of the demands of <br />the Washington County Traffic Engineer. <br />--Single lane roads to have 16' wide paved surfaces and <br />rollover curbs, <br />--Two lane roads to have 22' wide paved surfaces and <br />rollover curbs, <br />--Crossover roads to have 18' wide paved surfaces and <br />rollover curbs, <br />--In all other respects, roadway design to remain constant. <br />Dan Olinger, Public Works Foreman, explained they do not have the <br />equipment nor the manpower to maintain the proposed narrower roads. <br />(One unit, wing and front plow together, is 16' wide and the other <br />unit is 17 1/2' wide). He pointed out that two-thirds of the City <br />streets are 32' wide, so they would have to downgrade to smaller <br />equipment and hire more maintenance staff. Olinger recommended <br />staying with the present road standards. <br />Dick Sachs, Fire Chief, stated his main concern was getting in and out <br />with emergency vehicles. He cannot turn around in the normal <br />cul-de-sacs of the City. The fire engine is 8 1/2' wide, and with the <br />mirrors, it would be 10' wide. <br />