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08-07-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-07-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1990 PAGE 9 <br />G. General Election: Resolution 90-26 <br />Designating Official Polling Places, <br />Election Judges and Wages <br />The Council received a list of residents who have agreed to be <br />election judges at the September 11, 1990 Primary and November 6, 1990 <br />General Election. Last election we paid our election judges $3.75 per <br />hour and $4.25 per hour for head judges. (We must pay at least minimum <br />wage which is $3.95 per hour for 1990.) Staff recommended the <br />election judges' wages be set at $4.25 per hour and $5.00 per hour for <br />the head election judges. Based on this hourly rate, the prmiary <br />election will cost about $1100.00 in wages and the general election <br />will cost about $1500.00 for a total estimate of $2600. $3,000.00 for <br />wages was budgeted for these two elections. <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - to set the wage of $4.25 per hour for the <br />election judges and $5.00 per hour for the head election judges for <br />the 1990 primary and general elections. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />The Council must designate the official polling places. <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - to adopt Resolution 90-26 designating the Lake <br />Elmo Fire Hall, 3510 Laverne Avenue North as the official polling <br />place for Precinct I and Precinct II for the primary election to be <br />held September 11, 1990 and the General Election to be held November <br />6, 1990; and to approve the list of election judges, as presented, <br />contingent upon each judge attending the City's election judge <br />training session, as required by State Law. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to adjourn the City Council meeting at 11:18 <br />P.M. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />____---------------------- <br />Resolution No. 90-26 Designating the Lake Elmo Fire Hall as the <br />official polling place for Precinct I and Precinct I1 for the Primary <br />Election and. Genral Election. <br />Resolution No. 90-27 Ordering the Patching and Overlay of 31st Street <br />with shoulders from CSAH 6 to TH5 <br />
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