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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES September 18, 1990 PAGE 2 <br />( Elizabeth McDonough at 4711 N. Birchbark Trail, Steven Dahly at 8955 <br />15th St. N., Brian Tjosvold. at 8890 15th St. N., Susan Sampson at 8940 <br />15th St. N., voiced their support for extension of: the referendum in <br />order to provide revenues for a professional informational campaign. <br />The Council received letters from Lill. Linder 9255 15th St.N., V. <br />Harnick and Jacqueline Lay at 9417 Jane Ct. N., and Patricia and <br />Michael Weyandt at 8772 Ironwood Trail N stating their support for <br />extension of the referendum. <br />County Commissioner Russ Larkin stated he has been against this <br />landfill and will continue to do all he can to fight this proposed <br />landfill. Larkin added that they are waiting for the EIS, and it was <br />his responsibility to convince two other commissioners to oppose the <br />landfill in the park. <br />M/S/F Williams/Hunt - to include a referendum on the ballot in <br />November with the question, "Would the City of Lake Elmo extend a tax <br />rate levy currently in effect for two years to fund a professionally <br />guided public information campaign to oppose the landfill proposed for <br />the Lake Elmo Park Reserve: (Motion Failed 2-2: Dunn: We can continue <br />to work with the funds we do have available to implement items REAPP <br />has suggested. I have a problem with accepting extension of the <br />referendum at a time of economic uncertainty. I believe the landfill <br />is going to be stopped on the EIS level; Graves: Based on <br />conversations with County Board members, I was lead to believe they <br />would use the EIS as justification for rejecting this. I would support <br />using City resources to the best extent possible. I would authorize <br />spending monies for a public information campaign out of the existing <br />referendum funds and would like to see REAPP come with a specific <br />proposal. I would be very receptive to the items suggested by REAPP.) <br />Councilman Hunt volunteered to attend the upcoming REAPP meetings to <br />discuss the campaign budget which will be submitted at the earliest <br />possible time to the City Council. The City Administrator will work <br />with REAPP Members incorporatng ideas and accomplishing a plan. <br />5. PLANNING/LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Public Hearing: Guardian Angels Church <br />Va.riances for Height of Building and Size of Parking Spaces <br />Acting Mayor Williams opened up the public hearing at 8:04 p.m. in the <br />City Council chambers. The Public Hearing notice was published in the <br />St. Croix Valley Press and adjoining property owners were notifed. <br />There was no one to speak .for or against the variance requests. <br />