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09-18-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-18-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES September 18, 1990 PAGE 5 <br />our septic system code that states a variance to this setback can be <br />granted). The building official has reviewed the site and. concurs <br />that this is the best place for the septic system according to the <br />soils. <br />Acting Mayor Williams closed the public hearing at 8:44 p.m. <br />Bohrer would support granting of the variance with the following <br />recommendations: <br />1. A variance can be granted for a 5' setback to the drainfield from <br />the right-of-way line where 10' is required with the hardship <br />being the suitability of the soils on this lot dictate that this <br />is the best location. <br />2. A bed system is proposed and is allowed as a replacement system <br />to a failed existing system. The bed dimensions should be <br />10' wide x 80' long based on the sewage flow requirements of a <br />4-bedroom home. <br />3. The front propertyline should be staked by a surveyor if the <br />existing pins are not in place. Reasons for this: <br />the drainfield will only be 5' away so even a small variation <br />could have an impact and the propertyline is not straight. <br />4. The Building Official should be present when the system is <br />laid out before the actual. digging starts to verify the <br />propertyline and the setback. <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to grant Ken Gatzke, 8415 Deer Pond Trail, a 5' <br />variance for the purpose of constructing a new drainfield based on the <br />hardship being the suitability of the soils on this lot dictated this <br />is the best location; contingent, upon the applicant meeting the <br />recommendations presented by the City Engineer, and based on the <br />Findings of Fact: (1) there are no additional bedrooms being proposed <br />so no additional sewage flow will be generated, (2) no other variances <br />are required, (3) this application is not covered under DNR review, <br />(4) the applicant will be repairing his existing septic tank, and (4) <br />the system should not encroach on the right-of-way in case of future <br />roadwork. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />D. Everet Beaubien: Request to Clean Up Trees in Sunfish Park <br />The applicant requested this item be deleted from the agenda. <br />
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