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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 PAGE 2 <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Hunt - to approve a shoreland permit to William Park, <br />4589 Birch Bark Trail, to construct a. 4-season porch (18' x 16') over <br />an existing patio area based on the fact no variances are needed and <br />DNR has given their approval. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Speed Complaint on 24th Street <br />At the August 7th meeting, the Council received some complaints of <br />excessive speed on 24th Street between Lake Elmo Avenue and Legion <br />Avenue, particularly in the vicinity of 24th Street Court. Some <br />residents suggested a 3-way stop at that intersection. This matter <br />was referred to the Engineer for his review and recommendation. <br />The Council acknowledged a letter from Kendre Schwabel, 11365 24th St. <br />Court, stating her concerns on speed of vehicles using 24th Street and <br />requesting placement of proper signage to slow traffic down. <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer reported on August 30th a drive -over <br />inspection at varying speeds was made with the Maintenance Foreman. <br />The following observations were made: <br />1. The street has three horizontal curves (two west of 24th St. <br />Ct. and on.e east) which have a 200' centerline radius. These <br />curves feel uncomfortable to the average driver at speeds <br />over 30 mph due to outward centrifugal force. <br />2. The sight distance from 24th St. Court intersection is good <br />looking either east or west along 24th Street. <br />3. The traffic counts are low and will remain so because the <br />road only serves Packard Park and a portion of Eden Park. <br />4. Stop signs should not be erected at the intersection because <br />the traffic does not warrant it and stop signs should not be <br />used for speed control. <br />Based on these observations, the Engineer and Maintenance Foreman made <br />the following recommendations: <br />1. Place a YIELD sign on 24th Street Court at 24th Street to <br />show that the cul-de-sac traffic must yield right -of. -way <br />to the through street. <br />2. For eastbound traffic, a Reverse Turn Sign (W1-4R) with a <br />2.5 mph Advisory Speed Plate (W13-1) should be used. The <br />City on its own initiative cannot post speed limits lower <br />than 30 mph except for advisory speed on curves. <br />3. For westbound traffic, a Left Turn Sign (W1-2L) with a <br />25 mph Advisory Speed Plate (W13-1) should be used. <br />4. After the curves, 30 mph speed limit signs could be used. <br />