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TON <br />3ej 2�.e <br />G1 SO <br />��45)flY. PPO4PESS <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY <br />GOVERNMENT CENTER <br />OFFICE OF AUDITOR -TREASURER <br />14900 61 ST STREET NORTH STILLWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 <br />6121779-5408 <br />R. H. Stafford <br />Auditor -Treasurer <br />Pam Mattila, CPA <br />Finance Manager <br />October 8, 1990 <br />Clerk, City of Lake Elmo <br />3880 Laverne Ave N <br />Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />Mary Lou Larson <br />Executive Assistant <br />Gary Poser <br />Tax -Elections Manager <br />RE: Application on property number 37032-3852 <br />T. R. Greedier <br />Asst, Auditor -Treasurer <br />Nancy McPherson <br />License -Records -Manager <br />An application for abatement of taxes and/or penalties and/or <br />interest has been requested on the above referenced property. The <br />request has been approved by the Washington County Assessor and the <br />Washington County Auditor -Treasurer. The result of this request <br />would be a reduction in the amount due of over $10,000.00 <br />Before the county board may take action on this request, M.S. 375.192 <br />requires that the school district and municipality be given a 20 day <br />notice of the proposed reduction. Please refer to the enclosed copy <br />of request and the proposed reduction. <br />If you object to the granting of this reduction, please respond <br />within 20 days of the date of this notice to this office. If you <br />object, the request will be forwarded to the county board for their <br />recommendation. If the county board approves the request, the <br />request will then be sent to the commissioner of revenue for the <br />final determination of the approval or denial of the request. <br />T—f you' d_c riot 3b';,C4- I - <br />respond to this notice <br />to the county board fo <br />R.H. Stafford <br />Auditor-Treasus r <br />yy A. Poser <br />Tax Division Mgr <br />G t- granting Jf this reductioi: oi: yol.:i uv no'C <br />within 20 days, the request will be forwarded <br />r final approval or denial of the request. <br />Washington County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national <br />origin, sex, religion, age and handicapped status in employment or the provision <br />of services. <br />