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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 1990 PAGE, 2 <br />5. REAPP REPORT <br />Todd Williams reported the Request for Proposal for Public Relation <br />Firms have been sent to approx. 26 Public. Relation Firms. The date <br />for completion of these proposals should be postmarked by December 7, <br />1990. REAPP intends to devote a large part of their December 16th <br />meeting to review the proposals and come to the Council with a <br />recommendation.. <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Wayne & Kathy Wensley, <br />8470 DeMontreville Trail N., Variance for sideyard setback <br />for purpose of construction of an addition. <br />Mayor Dunn opened up the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. The Public Hearing notice was published in the <br />November 21, 1990 St. Croix Valley Press and adjoining property owners <br />were notified. <br />Rich Rossbach, Rossbach Construction, explained a survey was recently <br />done and, determined the south property line was closer to the house <br />location than the owners or the neighbor to the south had anticipated. <br />The house is not parallel to the skewed property line so the southeast <br />corner of the addition encroaches on the 10 ft. setback by approx. 4'. <br />According to Rossbach, to move the addition was not feasible due to <br />the septic location and to reduce the size of the addition would <br />remove the function. As an alternative, the property owners have <br />talked to their neighbors who live on 5.3 acres about trading portions <br />of land. The unpleasing aspect of this is that their rectangular lot <br />becomes an untidy description and felt it would be best to keep the <br />straight lines. <br />The Council acknowledged a letter from Kathleen and Jeffrey Hamme <br />indicating they share a common boundary line with Wayne and Katherine <br />Wensley and are aware the southeast corner of Wensley's family room <br />addition would come to within 6 feet of this common boundary line. <br />The Hamme's stated in the letter that they have no objections to the <br />granting of this variance. <br />Mayor Dunn closed. the public hearing at 7:24 p.m. <br />Councilman Williams commented he looked at the house and it appeared <br />to him there was land to the north and asked why couldn't the addition <br />be placed in that direction. Since this is a meets -and -bound <br />description, adjusting the border would be easily accomplished. He was <br />uncomfortable with granting a variance when there are such large lots <br />around. Kathy Wensley responded there was an attached garage and the <br />drainfield was on the NW side. Williams asked if the septic tank and <br />drainfield were preventing the use of the NW corner of the house for <br />this addition. Rossbach stated this was very low land and whenever it <br />rains there was standing water. <br />