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SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />JANUARY 19, 1991 <br />Mayor Johnson called the special council meeting to order at 10:00 <br />a.m. in City Hall. Present: Mayor Johnson, Dick Johnson, Jess <br />Mottaz, Todd Williams, and Building Official, Jim McNamdra,Dorothy <br />Lyons, Bill and Earl Hammes. <br />The purpose of this meeting was to make an on -site visit to Hammes <br />Mining (east side of Co.Rd. 1.9 and south sde of loth St.) to identify <br />any exterior storage violations that may exist in accordance with Lake <br />Elmo Municipal. Code, Section 1503. <br />During the walk-through inspection of the property, the Council saw <br />obvious violations and noted that considerable amount of illegal <br />dumping had been occuring over the past years. <br />The Council and Building Official returned to the city office <br />approximately 11:15 a.m. to conclude the meeting. <br />Councilman Williams felt it was necessary to explain to the owners <br />that they should realize that a cost factor for the removal of junk <br />must be figured in when they permit illegal dumping on their property. <br />The Council indicated that the Hammes' should be given a staged time <br />table to clean their property. The Council directed the Building <br />Official to send a letter to Bill Hammes outlining a time table for a <br />one year total cleanup time. (See letter from Jim McNamara to Bill <br />Hammes). <br />Meeting adjourned approximately 11:45 a.m. <br />bmitted by: <br />Jim McNamara <br />Building Offical and Code Enforcement Officer <br />