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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES J'ANUARY 2, 1991 PAGE 3 <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - to appoint the State Bank of Lake Elmo, <br />Offerman and Company, Inc., Juran & Moody Company, Inc., <br />Prudential -Bach, Merrill Lynch and the Minnesota Municipal Money <br />Market Fund (The 4M Fund) as the City's official depositories for <br />1991. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Designation of Legal Newspaper <br />The City received a letter from Press Publications indicating their <br />desire to once again be designated the official newspaper for 1991. <br />Mayor Johnson received a letter from Lillie Publications requesting <br />consideration as the official city newspaper. <br />Several Council members indicated their concern for a wide <br />distribution of the City Newspaper. Councilman Johnson suggested the <br />City should begin mailing the City Newsletter directly to the <br />residents. <br />The City Attorney read the statute stating the Council, annually at <br />its first meeting of the year, designate a legal newspaper of general <br />circulation in the City as the official newspaper. Even if the <br />Council attached conditions to a motion, Fills. recommended the Council <br />take action on appointing an official newspaper for a period of time <br />while they review other publications. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to designate Press Publications, St. Croix <br />Valley Press, to continue on a temporary basis as the City's official <br />newspaper and study other alternatives and obtain a statement of <br />guaranteed delivery of any interested newspaper. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />D. Appointment of City Consultants <br />1. City Engineer <br />THe City received a letter from TKDA seeking reappointment of TKDA as <br />the City's Consulting Engineer. Larry Bohrer explained his proposed <br />replacement, Tom Prew, has been his assistant for a number of years, <br />is generally familiar with the City, and has worked with the City <br />staff on several projects. The next couple meetings Bohrer will <br />represent TKDA as the engineering consultant and Tom will observe. <br />After those meetings, Tom would take the presentations and Larry would <br />be in the support role. Bohrer noted he would always be in the <br />support position and would be available for any questions or <br />assistance. He would remain the first-hand contact for the Section 32 <br />Appeal. <br />Councilman Williams stated he appreciates very much Larry Bohrer's <br />many years of fine service with the City. In his usual mariner, <br />Williams noted, Bohrer's proposed transition is an excellent way to go <br />and just reflects his continued professionalism. The Council indicated <br />the City will certainly miss him. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Mottaz - to appoint TKDA as the City's Consulting <br />Engineering firm for 1991. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />