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02-05-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-05-91 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 1991 PAGE 7 <br />The Council requested the City Engineer present at the public hearings <br />Altenate #1 for proposed assessments and to include the three Derrick <br />land parcels in the public hearing process. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to adopt Resolution No. 91-4 receiving <br />feasibility report and calling a public hearing on improvement of <br />Hytrail Avenue from Highlands Trail N. to 59th St. N. for the March <br />5th Council meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dick Johnson - to adopt Resolution No. 91-5 receiving <br />feasibility report on Legion Avenue from 20th Street to Legion Lane <br />and calling a public hearing for the March 5th Council meeting. <br />(Motion carried. 5-0). <br />B. 201 Rate Schedule for 1991 <br />Larry Bohrer reported in his memo, dated January 30; 1991, that one of <br />the requirements of the 201 Grant was that the City set up and. <br />maintain a user charge system for the operation, maintenance, and. <br />replacement of the off -site and collector sewer system. Sections <br />707.050 and 707.060 of the City Code require that the Council annually <br />review the fund balance and adjust the rate structure accordingly. <br />The rates for 1990 were raised from $120 per year to $180 per year for <br />each equivalent residential unit (FRU) except the two individual <br />off -site systems which require minimal maintenance. Because of the <br />ra.te increase in 1990, the fund balance is approximately 82,500. <br />Bohrer recommended no change in the rates for 1991 over what was <br />adopted in 1990. <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - to accept the January 30, 1991 Rate Structure <br />for 201 systems report prepared by the City Engineer and that the <br />rates established in 1990, as indicated in this report, remain in <br />effect thru 1991. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Update on 33rd & Laverne Street & Drainage Improvements <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported. that 33rd and Laverne is the next <br />scheduled municipal state aid project that is in our plan and covers a <br />good dealof the old village drainage north of the tracks. The City <br />cannot construct state aid streets without providing adequate <br />drainage. We need to construct state aid streets with conjunction of <br />the old village drainage improvements to take advantage of state aid. <br />Storm Sewer Route C seemed to be the most feasible route. <br />Bohrer added that any plan proposed has to obtain a permit from the <br />VBWD. He discussed this with the VBWD engineers, and they felt we <br />would be increasing the rate over land because the water would get to <br />the railroad. culvert faster. The way to overcome this is to provide <br />ponding to reduce the outflow rate. The opportunities for ponding is <br />the VFW ballfield and Lions Park. The ballfields would be depressed <br />approx. 3' below street level, but still useable as ballfields except <br />during periods of snow melt and heavy rains. State aid pays for 25% <br />of the outfall sewer. They consider purchase price for a pond and the <br />cost of constructing the pond as part of outfall sewer. <br />
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