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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL.ACTION <br />Meeting Date <br />AGENDA SECTION <br />C <br />April 11, 1991 <br />ITEM: I-94 Development Plan <br />ORIGINATING• <br />1. DEPARTMENT. <br />BY: <br />APPROVED FOR <br />AGENDA BY: <br />The City has received an inquiry from Northland Investment, <br />the owner of approximately 130 acres which borders County Road <br />13 and I-94. <br />In an very_Vreliminary.way, this property is under consideration <br />for a 300,000 to 350,000 sq.ft. building, strictly for office use. <br />Not unlike what West Publishing had in mind,'this company (which <br />has yet to be made public) is looking for a minimum of 50 acres <br />so its development would have a campus -type setting. <br />To accommodate a development of this nature, the City would have <br />to petition for an expansion of the MUSA. This would require a <br />major amendment to our Comprehensive Plan. <br />Before the landowner will proceed with pursuing this with the <br />company that is looking for a site,' he would like a favorable <br />commitment from the Council that it would indeed favor a MUSA <br />expansion. <br />Mayor Johnson has invited a representative from the League of <br />Minnesota Cities to talk to the Council about different <br />financing options that are available. <br />