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MINUTES APPROVED: 7-2-91 <br />MINUTES ISSUED: 7-12-91 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />JUNE 18, 1991 <br />Playor Johnson called the City Council meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in <br />the Council chambers. Present: Mayor Johnson, Hunt, Dick Johnson <br />(arrived 7:05 p.m.), Mottaz (arrived 7:09 p.m.), Williams, City <br />Attorney Jerry Filla, City Engineer Tom Prew and Administrator Diary <br />Kueffner. <br />1. AGENDA. <br />Add.: 4C. Contract with DPRA <br />Disucss Agenda Item, Computer Report by CIP, before City Engineer's <br />Report <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to approve the June 18, 1991 City Council agenda <br />as amended. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />2. MINUTES: June 4, 1991 <br />fl/S/P Hunt/Williams - to approve the June 4, 1991 City Council minutes <br />as amended. (fiction carried 4-0). <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to approve the June 18, 1991 Claims #94893 <br />thru #94937 as presented. (f4otion carried 4-0). <br />4. REAPP REPORT <br />Ellen Sampson, Leonard Street & Deinard, representing the City with <br />regard to fighting the landfill in the Regional Park since January of <br />1988, clarified the sections amending the Waste Management Bill. <br />Section 83: After January 1, 1992 the Metropolitan area may not send <br />its garbage to landfills outside of the seven county area unless those <br />landfills meet the MPCA requirements for landfills. After January 1, <br />1995 no landfill that doesn't meet those requirements can accept <br />trash. <br />Section 84: (1) Places a moratorium on the landfill siting process. <br />(2) The office of Waste Management, the Piet Council, and the seven <br />counties must create and report to the legislative commissioner of <br />waste management by December 1, 1991 with an alternate siting process <br />with the goal of finding two sites: one site for ash and a second site <br />that would be for mixed municipal solid waste. (3) The legislative <br />commissions of waste management has to do a study of the state wide <br />siting process due January 1, 1992. (4) The legislative commission on <br />waste management has to recommend to the legislature whether the <br />siting process should be reinstated. This siting process will only <br />restart again if the legislature makes an affirmative decision to do <br />it. (5) The legislative commission on waste management should also <br />work with the office of waste management, the Met Council, and the <br />