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08-20-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-20-91 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1991 PAGE 4 <br />l C. PUBLIC HEARING: <br />SHORELAND PERMIT & VARIANCE <br />GARY KIMLINGER, 9461 JANE ROAD N. <br />Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing at 8:10 p.m. in the city council <br />chambers. The public hearing notice was published in the St. Croix <br />Valley Press on August 7, 1991, and adjoining property owners were <br />notified. A written report was submitted by the city planner with his <br />recommendations. Also, a written report was submitted by Molly Shodeen <br />of the DNR. <br />Mr. Kimlinger has applied for a shoreland permit with a variance in <br />order to construct a three -season porch above his existing garage. A <br />covered structure was in this same location until it was destroyed by a <br />storm in late May and did considerable damage to the roof and chimney of <br />the house. <br />Mr. Kimlinger stated there was a cover above the garage, but it was <br />destroyed in a storm in May. Mr. Kimlinger stated he is proposing a <br />three -season porch as per City Ordinance 301.050 b.8, allowing for <br />restoration of a non -conforming building or structure. Mr. Kimlinger <br />stated the proposed replacement structure will be the same size as the <br />previous cover, but will be more stable than the previous cover as they <br />are trying to avoid a repeat of the damage they incurred, also, this <br />structure will better match the existing building. <br />Carol Schneider, 9409 Jane Road N., stated this structure will increase <br />the value of the home, will allow Kimlingers to use their patio, <br />Kimlingers are good neighbors and she is in favor of this proposed <br />structure. <br />Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing at 8:20 p.m. <br />Councilman Johnson stated Mr. Kimlinger assured him that he was going to <br />do more planting to screen the lake and to screen his accessory <br />building. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Mottaz - to approve a shoreland permit for Gary <br />Kimlinger, 9461 Jane Road, and the council finds there is not an <br />expanded use to the existing legal non -conforming use, therefore a <br />variance is not required. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />D. SITE & PLAN REVIEW: KUNZ OIL <br />The Kunz Oil Company is requesting through Dahl & Associates a building <br />and site plan review for a temporary structure (approximately 5 years) <br />to be located on their property at the corner of Highway 5 and County <br />Road 15. This is a required contamination cleanup project through MPCA <br />for cleanup of contaminants due to leaky fuel tanks while being operated <br />as a gas station. City Planner Mike Black and City Engineer Tom Prew <br />have submitted their review of this proposal. Roger Axel of Dahl & <br />Assoc. stated the structure will be 10' x 24' of concrete block and will <br />be removed after the contaminants are removed from the soil (according <br />to MPCA acceptance levels), and the site will be restored to its <br />original state. <br />
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