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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1991 PAGE 6 <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dick Johnson - to fill in Resolution No. 91-28 to reflect the <br />interest rate be 8% and the payment be spread over 5 years. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />M/S/p Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to table Resolution 91-28 to the next <br />regular council meeting for the purpose of clarifying the wording in <br />item no. 2 of the resolution. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. SHAFER EASEMENT - SW-1 WATER14AIN <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt - to authorize payment in the amount of $4,000.00 to <br />Shafer Mining for watermain easement relating to the SW-1 Watermain <br />construction, contingent upon all costs being paid by Washington/Ramsey <br />Counties. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. OTHER <br />1. Councilman Johnson asked the city engineer what the projected <br />completion date of the SW-1 watermain project is? Mr. Prew stated the <br />roads will be put back together in about two weeks. <br />2. Mayor Johnson stated he has received 20 to 30 calls in the last few <br />weeks regarding the recent septic ordinance amendment affecting systems <br />built in or after 1984. Mayor Johnson stated the calls have indicated <br />the rationale for this amendment is not clear to the affected public, <br />and concern of the expense was also expressed, and particularly the 201 <br />project homes expressed they had thought that their septic system <br />problems had once and for all been resolved. Mayor Johnson stated the <br />city must educate the residents with regards to this matter, and must <br />also look into whether or not this amendment creates an undue financial <br />or related hardship on the affected residents. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Dave Johnson - to recommend Councilman Mottaz work <br />with the code enforcement officer in writing a clarification letter as <br />to why this amendment was put into effect, including educational and <br />instructional material, and send it to the affected home owners. <br />(Motion carried 3-0-1, abstain: Mottaz). <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS <br />Mayor Johnson: 1. Formally thanked the Jaycees and the business <br />community for the great Huff-N-Puff Days activities. Mayor Johnson <br />stated he has a prepared resolution, and will bring it to the next <br />council meeting. <br />2. Municipal Heritage Preservation Commission - item postponed. <br />3. Stated he has his own advisory committee on economic development <br />which has contacted the Stillwater Area Chamber and SADAC. Mayor <br />Johnson introduced the members of this committee as: Dave Lange <br />(chairman), Gloria Knoblauch (recording secretary), Corrinne Reed, Steve <br />Bachman, Richard Hughes, Hugh Madson, Kelly Brookman, Liz Johnson, Dr. <br />Bill Woodworth and Gene Peltier. <br />Mayor Johnson stated basically the purpose is to develop reliable <br />indicators of the current business climate in the region and in the <br />City. <br />