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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 2 <br />The Mayor has frequently sited sections of Robert's Rule of <br />Order to justify various actions of his. He has adopted a quite <br />literal reliance on those rules, yet he has apparently overlooked <br />a section which impacts significantly on his duties as presiding <br />officer and Council meetings. I refer to Section 42 entitled <br />"Debate" and a subsection entitled "Rule against Chair's <br />Participation in Debate". (Section 42 was quoted). Therefore, I <br />call upon the Mayor to adhere to this provision of Robert's Rules <br />of Order and refrain from participating in debates as much as <br />possible so as to maintain the impartiality needed to preside <br />effectively." <br />4. Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Extension of MUSA <br />Councilman Mottaz indicated he felt the MUSA extension is not an <br />addition to any MUSA that we have, but is a replacement for what <br />the City lost when it lost Section 32, and now that the Appeals <br />Court agrees with the District Court, there is little likelihood <br />we will regain Section 32. The PZ does not object to an <br />extension to the MUSA line, but apparently objects only to the <br />amount of land to be included. Therefore, the following motion <br />was made: <br />MIS/ Mottaz/Mayor Johnson - to proceed with the Comprehensive <br />Plan Amendment adding a new MUSA that would extend from County <br />Road 13 to 1/2 mile east of County Road 19 and 1/2 mile north of <br />I-94 for this entire distance. <br />City Auditor Rob Tautges and Planner Mike Black addressed <br />questions as to what are we committing the taxpayers of Lake Elmo <br />to, what costs are anticipated, and who would pay if there was <br />not a specific development proposed. <br />Before a decision can be made, the Council decided to set up a <br />workshop with the property owners within the area proposed for <br />the MUSA to discuss the desirability and feasibility for <br />approving this Comp Plan amendment. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt - to postpone action on motion until the <br />October 1, 1991 City Council meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt - to schedule a special council workshop to <br />discuss with property owners within the area proposed for a <br />Municipal Urban Service Area (MUSA) the feasibility and <br />desirability of approving this comprehensive Plan Amendment. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />