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8 <br />PAGE 2 INVOICE <br />6. Standard Plates: <br />T. Prew 4.00 Hrs. @ 19.33 = <br />Commission No. 09150-001 <br />77.32 x 2.75 = 212.63 <br />7. Storm Sewer Feasibility Study: <br />C. Klein 1.25 Hrs. @ 19.76 = 24.70 x 2.75 67.93 <br />AMOUNT DUE ..................... $ 1,004.65 <br />.�A <br />State of Minnesota ) <br />ss <br />County of Ramsey,. ) <br />Ray A. Andrews, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that the <br />foregoing account is just and true; and the services therein charged were <br />actually rendered and of the value therein charged, that the expenses <br />incurred were paid by the affiant and no part of the same has been paid. <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me, <br />a notary public, on this date <br />Octo er 30,._ 9 . <br />UIT A E. SCHOREY <br />;.:'l NOTARY PU3L10,-WNNE$WA <br />RAMSEY COUNT" <br />Illy CW.uI. ExWrm Aug 4, 1995 <br />TOLTZ, KING, DUVALL, ANDERSON <br />AND ASSOCIATES, INNCORPORATED <br />V <br />