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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1991 8 <br />The property owner then requested that some of those findings <br />be amended. In July of 1991 the court amended two of the findings <br />by deleting them and added "The present zoning is not consistent <br />with the 1979 comp plan which was in effect in 1987 when this <br />application was being reviewed and the City failed to state any <br />reasons for not following the 1979 plan". <br />The City Attorney noted this particular case was handled by then <br />City Attorney Carlson and he (Fills) had not reviewed the <br />transcript of the trial. Filla added there was no chance of <br />appeal because of the lapse of time, but believes the process <br />will start all over with an application by this property owner in <br />the future, but not until they find out what is going to happen <br />with the current proposal to amend the comp plan. <br />B. Liquor Ordinance Amendment <br />The City Attorney was asked to review the city's liquor <br />regulations because they were somewhat outdated and there was a <br />request from Guardian Angels Church to sell intoxicating liquor <br />on a temporary event basis. Under the city's current <br />regulations, this is not possible because we do not allow for <br />temporary intoxicating liquor licenses. The State allows us to <br />do this, but our current regulations are more restrictive. <br />Filla's comments, suggestions and remarks are offered in his <br />letter dated November 5, 1991. <br />The Council directed the city staff to take comments from the <br />City Attorney's letter dated November 5, 1991 and bring our <br />liquor ordinance more in line with the state law. <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />This item was postponed to the November 12th Council meeting. <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT• <br />A. Charitable Gambling at VFW, Resolution No. 91-36 <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Mayor Johnson - to adopt Resolution No. 91-36 <br />approving the Premises Permit Application for Charitable Gambling <br />located at the Lake Elmo Post 5725 VFW. (Motion carried 3-1: <br />Mottaz: He's not in favor of expanding any gambling operations in <br />the State of Minnesota). <br />Councilman Williams explained he was generally not in favor of <br />expanding gambling in the City, but voted in favor of this motion <br />because he feels the VFW is a very worthwhile organization for <br />the City and they depend to a great extent on this operation for <br />their survival. <br />