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12-06-91 Special CCM
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City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-06-91 Special CCM
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MINUTES APPP.OVED: 12-17-91 <br />T?INUTES:ISSUED: 1-3-92 <br />LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />DECEMBER 6, 1991 <br />Mayor Johnson called the special council meeting to order at <br />5:40 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present: Mayor <br />Johnson, Hunt, Dick Johnson, Mottaz and Administrator <br />Kueffner. <br />1. MUSA EXTENSION <br />Councilman Johnson: This was on the agenda at the last <br />meeting and wasn't important enough to discuss. What makes <br />it important now? I understand that the City Administrator <br />has delayed sending any notice to the Met Council because <br />she wanted the Council to reconsider. I am willing to <br />reconsider, except I have concerns about action taken at the <br />last meeting in regard to Stonegate. I am very concerned <br />that this City is being assessed a fine of $250 a day. If <br />there is some way that we can couple these things and clean <br />this mess up all at once, I am willing to go along with the <br />MUSA extension. I had sat here for approx. 10 minutes trying <br />to word some kind of compromise that would allow Mr. <br />Peterson to go ahead and develop and get the matter out of <br />the court and settled. I see the MUSA extension as a <br />positive program, but at this point I am not in favor with <br />going ahead with anything until we can resolve all the <br />issues that I consider to be very negative to the City. <br />Councilman Hunt: I have wrestled with this for a long time <br />and I agree this is a positive program for the City. I <br />agree that what happened with Stonegate was an embarrassment <br />to the City, but I will avoid linking them together because <br />I can rise above the kind of problems that went on with <br />Stonegate. I expect that the pressure put on by the courts <br />will be enough to solve this problem in a fairly short <br />timeframe or bankrupt the City. I am willing to leave that <br />in the hands of Mayor Johnson and Councilman Mottaz as to <br />that choice. I will continue with the positive program. We <br />have a positive comprehensive plan in place, this MUSA <br />extension is a positive thing for the City and fits in with <br />our comp plan, Stonegate is a positive thing and fits in <br />well with our comp plan. I will not link these issues at <br />this meeting. I am sorry. I have had a a lot of people that <br />want me to do that, but I won't. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Mayor Johnson - to rescind the motion of <br />November 19, 1991 to rescind the application for a MUSA <br />extension to the Metropolitan Council. (Motion carried 3- <br />1: Councilman Dick Johnson). <br />
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