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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 7, 1992 3 <br />B. Designation of Official Depositories <br />The City used the following six depositories in 1991 for <br />placement of city funds in a checking account, certificate of <br />deposit for short-term investments, and in bonds for long- <br />term investments. <br />State Bank of Lake Elmo <br />Offerman and Company, Inc. <br />Juran & Moody Company, Inc. <br />Prudential Bach <br />Merrill Lynch <br />Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund (4M Fund) <br />Finance Director, Marilyn Banister, has suggested adding one <br />more name to our list and that is Paine Weber, Inc. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams -,to appoint the State Bank of Lake Elmo, <br />Offerman and Company, Inc., Juran & Moody Company, Inc., <br />Prudential Bach, Merrill Lynch, Minnesota Municipal Money <br />Market Fund (4M Fund) and Paine Weber Inc. as the city's <br />official depositories for 1992. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Designation of Legal Newspaper <br />Press Publications (St. Croix Valley Press) was designated <br />our legal newspaper for 1991. They have again requested that <br />they be considered as our legal newspaper as has Lillie <br />Suburban Newspapers (Oakdale/Lake Elmo Review). <br />The Council asked if the City could be provided with better <br />newspaper delivery. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to appoint Press Publications (St. <br />Croix Valley Press) as the City's official newspaper for <br />1992. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />D. Appointment of City Consultants/Commission & Boards <br />(1) City Engineer <br />Tom Prew, TKDA, has requested reappointment as the City's <br />consulting engineer. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dick Johnson - to appoint Tom Prew, TKDA, as the <br />City's Consulting Engineer for 1992. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />(2) City Attorney <br />Jerry Filla has indicated his desire to have his firm, <br />Peterson, Fram & Bergman, be reappointed as the City's Civil <br />Attorney. <br />