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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1992 2 <br />the annual joint meeting between the SWAC's communities <br />which is scheduled for the first Monday in March. <br />Since the Council agreed in principle with this program, <br />Councilman Johnson suggested putting together a Resolution <br />for Council review. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Williams - to direct the City <br />Administrator to develop a Resolution for a Compost Program <br />for Council Review and to proceed with the mechanics of such <br />a program beginning with negotiations with outside parties <br />on the compost program, setting up purchase of stickers (two <br />colors), and to proceed on the basis that we will have a <br />composting program at a charge of $10 for Lake Elmo <br />residents and $15 for non -Lake Elmo residents, with Lake <br />Elmo residents having the additional privilege to <br />participate in Lake Elmo Clean Up days with this sticker. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. "Landfill Park" Conversion <br />The City was notified sometime back that "Landfill Park" was <br />not being used for public outdoor recreation as proposed in <br />the grant it applied for and was granted in 1978 through the <br />Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LAWCON) Program. <br />The total amount of funds that the city received from LAWCON <br />was $8,280.00 which was 40% of the total cost of $20,700.00 <br />to improve Pebble Park, Landfill Park, DeMontreville Park <br />and Sunfish Lake Park. <br />Councilman Mottaz asked if the City has presented any <br />official stand or argument that might save us a $5,000 <br />appraisal or other land to replace this. He felt it was <br />worth asking our Attorney if there is some way we can argue <br />this for less than $5,000. Attorney Filla answered that the <br />argument would be because of the condition of the site it is <br />not safe to use for that purpose and therefore it cannot be <br />exempt. ' <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to direct the City <br />Administrator to obtain at least three quotes for appraisals <br />of the Landfill Park Property and the Stonegate property. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Staff Cost of Living Increase <br />Based on the figures provided in the End -Of -Year Financial <br />Report by the Finance Director the money was available, and <br />on the basis there are fewer employees per capita than <br />cities this size and on the average employees get paid less <br />than other cities of corresponding sizes, Councilman Mottaz <br />made the following motion: <br />