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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 17, 1992 <br />CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: - No Reports <br />CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Charitable Gambling One -Day License <br />The City Council had no objections to the request from the <br />Minnesota Special Olympics for a one -day charitable gambling <br />license for their fund raiser at Tartan Park on May 11, <br />1992. <br />B. Clean Up Day <br />The City will hold its annual Clean-up day on Saturday, May <br />16, 1992. <br />C. Redistricting Update <br />Administrator Kueffner provided a memo received from our <br />County Auditor concerning redistricting. The Supreme Court <br />stayed the Federal Court Order on legislative redistricting, <br />meaning that the DFL proposed plan is the plan and will not <br />have a change in State Legislative districts in the City. <br />The Federal Court's Congressional Plan will be implemented <br />which means that both precincts in Lake Elmo would be split <br />by two congressional districts. Precinct I (south of <br />Highway 5) will be in the 4th District with the exception of <br />that portion lying Northwest of CSAH 6 (Stillwater Blvd) up <br />to Highway 5. The line will then meander across Highway 5 <br />up thru the northwest quadrant of the city and split <br />Precinct II. <br />The County has advised the City that the company that offers <br />the support for the punch card voting system will not sign a <br />contract for support of the system beyond the 1992 election. <br />The City Administrator strongly urged the city implement the <br />optical scan system in both precincts for about $15,000 for <br />the 1992 State Primary and General Election. <br />Since there wasn't any money in the budget for this <br />purchase, a question was raised if we could use the $10,000 <br />in the drainage plan fund if the city adopts the VBWD <br />drainage plan as our city plan. More information will be <br />submitted to the Council at a later date. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt - to adjourn the City Council meeting at <br />10:15 p.m. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />